Why are Eigenvectors from Distinct Eigenvalues Linearly Independent?

In this post we will give a proof of the following theorem. Theorem If $\vec v_1, \vec v_2, \ldots , \vec v_r$ are eigenvectors of matrix $A$ that correspond to distinct eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \ldots , \lambda_r$, then the set…Continue readingWhy are Eigenvectors from Distinct Eigenvalues Linearly Independent?

Diagonalizability and Invertibility of a Matrix

Is there a relationship between invertibility of a matrix and whether it can be diagonalized? For example, if a matrix is not invertible, can the matrix still be diagonalized? Before we explore these relationships, let’s give definitions for the invertibility…Continue readingDiagonalizability and Invertibility of a Matrix

Seven Different Ways to Obtain the Eigenvalues of a Matrix

When asked to compute the eigenvalues of a real $n \times n$ matrix \(A\), students in an introductory linear algebra course are often taught that they can calculate the roots of the polynomial $\text{det} (A – \lambda I)$. The roots…Continue readingSeven Different Ways to Obtain the Eigenvalues of a Matrix